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What is the use of physiotherapist after surgery?

Working in close collaboration with the medical team and the care team, the Revive Physiotherapy draws up an assessment that includes in particular the physiotherapy diagnosis and the rehabilitation objectives, as well as the choice of the acts which seem to him the most appropriate. Indeed, it uses many techniques: massages, gymnastic movements using devices, weights.

It can also use water, heat, cold or ultrasound. The masseur-physiotherapist can also intervene in the field of sport, prevention, fitness (relaxation, massages) and thalassotherapy (balneotherapy, hydrotherapy, etc.). The profession of masseur-physiotherapist can be practiced in hospitals as well as in clinics, retirement homes or town practices.

What skills and qualities are needed?

Good physical resistance is required to handle patients, repeat rehabilitation exercises or perform massages. The masseur-physiotherapist must be able to choose the appropriate techniques and treatments adapted to the needs of the person, respecting the hygiene protocols and the rules of good practice.

Listening to his patients and those around them, he creates a relationship of trust: good interpersonal skills are therefore essential.

What is the Training To Follow?

The State diploma of masseur-physiotherapist is prepared in 3 years, the training being open to people who have passed the admission tests.

Given the very selective nature of this competition, the vast majority of students prepare for it by doing a year of preparatory class. In general, this year also prepares them for other competitions intended for paramedics (pedicure-podiatry, psychomotricity, etc.).

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